Modern financial infrastructure for modern brands

Nutshell Labs is a forward-thinking tech company dedicated to building cloud-native, serverless SaaS platforms designed to modernize financial infrastructure.

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Introducing Iris

Introducing Iris

Iris is a flexible, fast, and inexpensive platform for creating digital and print documents. Built by InfoSec experts with a deep understanding of various regulatory environments, Iris is a true evolution of document production, compliance, and delivery.

Iris is a flexible, fast, and inexpensive platform for creating digital and print documents. Built by InfoSec experts with a deep understanding of various regulatory environments, Iris is a true evolution of document production, compliance, and delivery.

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Nutshell Labs simplifies complex financial documents

Iris enables you to create and deliver financial documents that give customers the context they need.

Flexible design

Use our flexible React template to design documents that amplify your modern brand.

Use our flexible React template to design documents that amplify your modern brand 

Optimized delivery

Iris supports delivery via USPS, email, SMS, and push notifications. It also maintains a full audit trail.

Iris supports delivery via USPS, email, SMS, and push notifications. It also maintains a full audit trail.

Iris is designed from the ground up on a custom workflow engine that streamlines exception handling, returned mail processing and rules for document creation.

Iris is designed from the ground up on a custom workflow engine that streamlines exception handling, returned mail processing and rules for document creation.

Custom workflows

A more modern tech stack for financial services

A more modern tech stack for financial services

Nutshell Labs leverages a fast, flexible, and scalable tech stack that gives users unmatched processing power, flexible document templates, and best-in-class resiliency.

We specialize in niche industry and empower the world of finance

Iris is serverless and scales up and down as needed, which allows us to quickly spin up massive amounts of processing power and pay only for what we use.

Iris is serverless and scales up and down as needed, which allows us to quickly spin up massive amounts of processing power and pay only for what we use.



Iris scales horizontally to keep up with most demanding environments. Iris can easily produce 10 million documents in under 10 minutes—for roughly $250 in hard costs.

Iris scales horizontally to keep up with most demanding environments. Iris can easily produce 10 million documents in under 10 minutes—for roughly $250 in hard costs.





Iris provides extremely flexible document templates built with React/Javascript. No more waiting for days and weeks for updates.

Iris provides extremely flexible document templates built with React/Javascript. No more waiting for days and weeks for updates.



Our platform is built around PolyFlow, which facilitates highly customizable sequencing, distribution, and exception handling.

Our platform is built around PolyFlow, which facilitates highly customizable sequencing, distribution, and exception handling.



Our platform automatically scales across multiple GCP regions to ensure resilience and scale. We are currently operational in the USA and Europe.

Our platform automatically scales across multiple GCP regions to ensure resilience and scale. We are currently operational in the USA and Europe.

Why Nutshell Labs?

Why Nutshell Labs?

Our platform is built by a small, but mighty team with decades of experience in brokerage, trading, crypto, NFTs, and others.

Our platform is built by a small, but mighty team with decades of experience in brokerage, trading, crypto, NFTs, and others.

Trusted Industry Partner

We’ve partnered with most US-based fintech brokerage businesses from their inception and have connections throughout that community. Partners rely on us for our deep understanding of financial software, clearing, and brokerage operations.

InfoSec and Regulatory Expertise

We have a deep understanding of the security and regulatory environments in brokerage, crypto, clearing and trading. We also have strong regulatory relationships with FINRA, SEC, AND NYDFS.

Unmatched Efficiency

Nutshell Labs has much less overhead than larger organizations. In just six months, we have built a robust and scalable print, regulatory archiving/reporting and workflow platform.

Learn more about us?

Delight your customers by partnering with our experienced fintech team.

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